The long-time awaiting " New American Food  Pyramid ", has been finally realized. Myplate is the most current standard of food pyramid, which is recently established in this Month of June, 2011. 

Adjusting the Daily Food Plan to your calorie needs 

The Daily Food Plans are based on average calorie needs for groups of people. In addition, they have been developed in increments of 200 calories from 1,000 to 3,200 calories. Because Plans are based on average needs and are in 200 calorie increments, the calorie level of the Plan assigned to you probably does not exactly match your calorie needs. Monitoring your weight over time is the best way to see if you are eating the right amount of calories to meet your energy needs. Here is how: 

If you want to maintain your current weight: 

Weigh yourself about every week to check for any weight gain or loss, at about the same time of day and wearing the same amount of clothing. Keep track over several weeks. If you see consistent weight gain or loss, adjust your food intake.
  • If you are gaining weight, cut back on the calories you are currently eating. The best way to eat fewer calories is by decreasing the amount of “extras” you are eating—added sugars, solid fats, and alcohol. For more information about these “extras” click here.
  • If you are losing weight, you need to eat more calories. You can do this by slightly increasing the amount you eat from each food group.
If you are over the healthy weight range and want to gradually move toward a healthier weight: 

Weigh yourself about every week to check for weight loss, at about the same time of day and wearing the same amount of clothing. Keep track over several weeks.
  • If you are not losing any weight, cut back on the calories you are currently eating. The best way to eat fewer calories is by decreasing the amount of “extras” you are eating—added sugars, solid fats, and alcohol. For more information about these “extras” click here.
  • For children who are overweight, the goal is reducing the rate of body weight gain, while allowing for growth and development. Check with a health care provider before placing a child on a weight-reduction diet.
If you are under the healthy weight range and want to gradually move toward a healthier weight: 

Weigh yourself about every week to check for any weight gain, at about the same time of day and wearing the same amount of clothing. Keep track over several weeks.
  • If you are not gaining any weight, you need to eat more calories. You can do this by slightly increasing the amounts you eat from each food group.

What about physical activity?

Physical activity is also important to help you manage your body weight. Increasing your physical activity level may help to prevent weight gain. It also may help you maintain weight loss. For more information about increasing physical activity, click here.



 Balancing Calories
 Enjoy your food, but eat less.
 Avoid oversized portions.
 Foods to Increase
 Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
 Make at least half your grains whole grains.
 Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
 Foods to Reduce
 Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals ― and choose the foods with lower numbers.
 Drink water instead of sugary drinks.                   PDF

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Grains Group
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How much is needed?
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Health benefits & nutrients

Vegetable Group
What's in the Vegetable

How much is needed? 
What counts as a cup? 
Health benefits & nutrients

Fruit Group
What's in the Fruit Group?
How much is needed? 
What counts as a cup?
Health benefits & nutrients

Dairy Group 
What's in the Dairy Group?
How much is needed? 
What counts as a cup? 
Health benefits & nutrients

Protein Foods Group
What's in the Protein Foods

How much is needed? 
What counts as an ounce? 
Nutrients & health implications
Vegetarian choices

What are "oils"?
How are oils different from
  solid fats?
Why is it important to
  consume oils?

Empty Calories
What are "empty calories"?
What are "solid fats"? 
What are "added sugars"?

Physical Activity 
What is physical activity? 
Why is it important? 
How much is needed? 
How many calories are used?

Tips & Resources 
Protein Foods
Increasing Physical Activity
Counting Mixed Dishes 
Eating Out 
Vegetarian Diets
Ten Tips Nutrition Education

Last Modified: June 14, 2011 12:33 PM | CNPP | FOIA | Accessibility Statement | Privacy Policy | Non-Discrimination Statement | Information Quality | | White House 

These are  Recommendations on Daily basis.

 Nutrition is the   art  of  nurishing the body through  the ingest of Aliments. Nutrition  has been integrated as a      branch  of   Medicine, due to its  Natural systemic healing Procedures.

      In fact, it is said that the  first medication is your Alimentacion ."QUE TUS MEDICATIONS SEA TU ALIMENTACION  Y  TUS 

   ALIMENTOS, TU MEDICATION ". In essence, it is saying that your food intake  should be as your  medication and vise verse.

   A  plate of Rainbow is nature`s favorite. While others say : " An apple  before a meal, says bye to the Doctor ".
   You are the outcome of your intakes .

    For more consultacions,  go to ;

      Here, the  quality and quantity of food intakes are mostrated .

       Vegeterians are not being cheated, when they allow the whole meats  for their dogs to eat.

   Many Indians are vegetarians. As a result their diets are rich in both fiber and phytonutrients. But it’s believed         that a number of India’s signature spices, especially turmeric, also help keep cancer in check.

In the laboratory, turmeric—or more specifically curcumin—impacts virtually every tumor biomarker. Scientists at the University of Alabama found that curcumin inhibited prostate cancer cells from expressing a protein linked to tumor formation while increasing a protein linked with natural cell death. In other studies, curcumin blocked the production of substances that speed the spread of both colorectal and pancreatic cancer cells; inhibited angiogenesis, or the ability of malignant tumors to develop their own blood supply; and counteracted human papillomavirus (HPV), a main cause of cervical cancer. What’s more, science has confirmed traditional medicine’s view of turmeric as a valuable inflammation fighter—and chronic, low-level inflammation has been found to promote cancer development.

But turmeric’s benefits go well beyond cancer prevention. One double-blind clinical trial involving patients with rheumatoid arthritis found that supplementing with curcumin provided significant improvement in morning stiffness, walking time, joint swelling, pain and discomfort. Studies conducted at the Central Drug Research Institute in Lucknow, India, found that curcumin is an effective, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. I’ve long advised my patients with osteoarthritis to take curcumin capsules with excellent results.

Curcumin also offers pulmonary benefits as well. Patients with respiratory diseases who were treated with curcumin experienced varying degrees of relief from coughing, excessive sputum and labored breathing. Some natural cold and flu formulas also include curcumin to help ease coughs from viral and bacterial infections.

One of curcumin’s most promising usages lies in its seeming ability to protect the brain. In one study, healthy older Asians who ate the most curry ran the smallest risk of mental decline. Other research pinpoints curcumin’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiprotein-aggregate activities for this compound’s neuroprotective effects. This helps explain why some scientists think that curcumin may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin’s traditional role in digestive relief has also been demonstrated in studies. In addition to killing H. pylori, the germ that fosters stomach ulcer formation, curcumin has helped keep ulcerative colitis in remission and fought giardia, a main culprit in intestinal infections worldwide.

The only catch is that curcumin is not well absorbed by the body. This means you need to either take large quantities or take it with other compounds that boost absorption. A growing number of curcumin supplements add the black pepper-derived agent piperine to increase absorption. Piperine also enhances curcumin’s ability to tame inflammation.

While I prefer to get my curcumin via a steaming bowl of vegetable curry, not everyone is a fan. If you don’t like Indian food or aren’t able to enjoy it frequently, consider curcumin supplements standardized to contain 90- 95 percent total curcuminoids. These can be taken in the amount of 250 to 500 mg. three times per day. Just check the label to make sure your supplement contains black pepper fruit that contains 95- 98 percent piperine to enhance curcumin’s healthful properties.

Be well,   at

                                                  POSSIBLE  WAYS  TO  CONTROL WEIGHT GAIN

If you find that you are never feeling satisfied after a meal or just an hour or so later you are reaching for a snack to pick you up? Well, we're here to help with some feel-full strategies. Granted there are foods that can boost your feelings of fullness but how, when and where you eat your meals can also have a bearing on your full factor too. Here are 10 ways to keep your dining habits in check to maximise your feelings of satiety and satisfaction.

Sometimes go it alone                                                                         
People can eat more when they dine in company or with the television on because they become distracted as to what exactly is going into their mouth. Make sure mealtimes are all about the food, focus on it entirely and you'll feel full sooner. Avoid fast-paced music too, this can increase the speed you eat, resulting in a clean plate before your body is able to recognise it is full.

Smell and chew
When you eat make sure you give your meal a good sniff as concentrating on the smell of your food as well as the taste also switches on satiety signals. Secondly, chew, chew, chew, and chew some more, some of the hormones needed to send the satiety signals to the brain are released by your chomping.

Go for bulky and moist
The rationale behind the bulky and moist rule is pretty straightforward, simply the more air and water in food the quicker it will fill you up, calorie for calorie. So, in terms of food swaps have a vegetable soup rather than a pasty, plain air-popped popcorn instead of crisps and grapes in place of raisins.

Wait after fat
If you do have a meal with a high-fat content then make sure you allow time for that feeling of fullness to come. It can take longer for sense of satiety to come from a fatty meal compared to meal high in protein for example, so allow time for the feeling of fullness from the fat to kick in.

Get enough sleep
When your body is deprived of sleep it produces more ghrelin and less leptin. These are the hormones that are involved in the regulation of appetite; ghrelin is produced largely in the stomach and accelerates your appetite, while leptin decreases appetite as it's the hormone that signals satiety.

Get hydrated
The daily recommended amount of water to drink is around the eight glasses mark, but many of us don't get anywhere near that amount and as a result when we feel hungry, it is often because we're actually thirsty. Drink a glass or two of water before a meal, and when you do eat, the food will feel more filling.

Get a smaller plate
People tend to fill their plate however big it is, and most of us eat until it is empty. And the aim of getting a 'clean plate' makes us more likely to override the satiety signals that stop us eating. So, swap your normal plate for a slightly smaller one, and you'll find your 'full' switch will flip a little faster.

Choose fiddly foods
If you eat foods that take a little time and effort to eat, this will allow time for your body to recognise the fullness feeling. Good examples of fiddly foods are corn on the cob, a crunchy salad or fish with bones, these types of foods force you to eat more slowly and help you to feel full quicker.

Eat an apple before each meal
Apples help to promote a feeling of fullness and research has shown that eating an apple 20 minutes prior to eating a meal reduced the amount of food that was consumed at that meal. So, including an apple for your daily snack will not only contribute to one of your daily recommended fruit or veggie portions but the fibre will fill up your stomach too.

Be natural
Try to eat food that is as natural as possible as most manufactured foods tend to be very energy-dense which means they contain more calories bite-for-bite. However raw fruit and vegetables take a lot of chewing and occupy a lot of room in your stomach so they fill you up much more per bite.

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