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  Just like any other Naturista,  I, Lady Dr. Catherine C. Awurumibe, have come to the conclusion that, good Health  is the  harmonious relationship of man and  his Environment. It cost nothing , but   Peace. Of all my endeavours and hard works to up grade the standard of healthierLiving and reduction of symptomic deficets,many methods and therapeutic measures have been considered effective, but, none are as effective and practicable as the underlined Harmonious Law of Nature,which states; The measures one outlines , reciprocably affects him,positively and otherwise in its negative occurrances.Hence, the need to be considerate in all walks of life.

 Everything has been Naturally installed. It only calls for a little external stimulations to activate them to ACTION.


" DROP IT ON THE GROUND " ( it turned to a big , but very big SNAKE ).



  This is how any other thing is through Nature. Could be anything at any point in time. Just a little  activations.

My" Medical pins ", are the activators of my body functionings. ( ACUPUNTURE ).

The use of  these needles together with the essential oils activates the enzymes, hormonal secretions from the Brain , tranported through the blood  by selective aminoacid tranporters to all parts of the internal body. Hence, causing a reactive chemical occurances within the inter / intra cellular intercombinations, which results to the revitality of the body tissues and cells.

       Acupunture covers a wide range in medicine. In fact , it could be said that , with Acupunture, all your illments are cured. It is a preventive measure as well as curative.


  Hypertension, Diabetes, Veneral Diseases, including Aids, Hipatitis , Athritis Atrosis. Ruematism , prostatisis , Infertility e.t.c.

  We came to  comprehend that all sickness and  pains came as a result of disequilibro, inbalance of  the ruling  corporal designs.

 Good health is the perfect functioning of the equilibroic powers of these dinamic forces of Nature, while the reverse is illment. The work of              Acupunture is to restablish the equilibro vital. For example, Execessive secretion of  the  hormone Prolatin,  produced in the anterior Pituitary gland ,  due to low level of progesterone, cause  lack or reduced menstral cycle in women under 50 years of age ( secondary amenorrhea ), because the Luiteinizant hormone  ( LH ) ,  which produces the hormone  Progesterone could no longer stimulate the    Folicule stimulating Hormone , ( FSH ), for the endometrial cells to release the ovules.

 The Hormone Prolatin is responsible for the  production of  the  Breast milk, during lactation.This is one of the reasons , lactating mothers may not possibly be pregnant ,even when they undergo   unsafe sexual intercourse.

The  equilibro regulation of these Hormones through  the application of Acupunture, balances the vitality flow of the hormons. 

Every illment has its  specific Acupunturic points  of applications , as-per ,the use of the Acupunture needles or pins, in  curing ,through external stimulations of the  "MERIDIANS".

   The Anatomical  physiology of the  body could be seen through the five principal  basic elements :

 -  Earth or Land  which represents  the  Heart

-  Air which represents  the Lungs

- Water which represents the Kidney

- Wood which represents the Liver

-  Metal which represents the Spleen

These organs are the five  primary organs of the body.

The secondary five  organs corporal include:The intestines ( Big and Small ), The Bladder - Ureter , The  Biliary vasicula And The Stomach.

These corresponds to the planets, stations e.t.c.

The disequilibro between the "YIN and YANG " leads to disorders of the five Elementos and enhences illments

The Yin and Yang  are the  Energy and the force of action .The Energy is the Spirit  ( yin ) of the will power  of action( yang ).

 The application of Moxibustion  ( Heat or " fire " ) in Acupunture , allivates  most of the disorders of Yin and Yang (  excessive Climatic change, Bad diet, Poison, Maltreatments e.t.c )

    ALL these  organs are called the MERIDIANS.

  These applications in Acupunture in relation with Aromatheraphy and Moxibustion , could be refered to as " The  godess of Panacea , who is being said that cures all illments . 

 Natural Medicine believe in that illments are as a result of punishments or faults of creatures against Nature . Hence the need for Moderation and Harmony.

 In most cases involving either pain or other acute symptoms, one would usually commence by treating the "Biao" (symptoms), and then , after alleviating the acute symptoms, proceeding to treat the "Ben" (underlying causes of disharmony).

 It is believed that the reincorporation to good health leads to what we call  "   Contraria   Contrariis   Curantur". This was established by  Galeno ( The father of Medicine ) Which means, treating with the oposite causing agent. For example, if the cause of the illment is SIN, the patient is obliged to stop sinning , by confessing and endulging in a period of penance ( cleansen ), If the cause is cold  climate, the patient should be placed on a hot favourable climate , if it is Hunger, should be given food, and vise-verse.


  In the diagram above, it is well seen that the ovaries  ( the hand-like structure  of the fallopia tube,  carrying the ovaris ,at both sides of the organ ), are fully mature and is in wait to release the  ovules  ( eggs ) , along side the fallopian tube to be fertilized by the expecting Sperm from the Male organ. It is also seen that the linings of the Uterus has been well moistured of hormonal secretions. All are in wait to be estimulated by the male Sperm to activate fertilization of the ovules, prior to the formation of the Zygote.


 The  Acupunture  needles can also be applied on the outer layer of the Abdominal cavity, to activate the  uterian linings.


These are  the Male Excretary And Reproductive organs.The Kidney,Ureter, Bladder and the Urethra are the proceding  excretary organs of the excretary system.The Male reproductive system include the the Prostate gland,which lays just behind the Bladder, Seminal vesicles,the Vas Deferens,The Testes gland,Scrotum,Epididymis and the final out- burst to the outside orifice,The Penis.

The Male Reproductive Organs and the Excretary organs  open-up to the outside, through the same orifice, the penis.

As above, in the Female reproductive organ, the Gonadotrophic glands ( Testes , prostata in male and the Ovary in Female),secrete FSH( Follicle stimulating Hormone ) and LH ( Luitenizing Hormone ). These Hormones are responsible for the development and maturity of sexual characteristics in Males And Females.( Breast germination in young females,Ovulation and Menstration,Pubic Hairs growths,enlargement and maturity of the Prostate,development and secretins of Sperm,expancion of the thoracic cavity,the maturation of the vocal cavity And formation of Beards ( facial hairs ).That is sexual maturity in Males.

 All these functions and many others are stimulated by the principal Master gland, The Pituitary gland, located in the Hypothalamus of the Brain.The  pituitary gland controls all body mechanisms ( Metabolism,growth,fertility,aging,Reproduction. all and everything ).These hormone are inter and intra cordinated to estimulate and balance the functions of the body,with the colaboration of the enzymes ( chemical catalysts or elevators that aids in chemical reactions without manifesting as  part of the reagents ). The brain controls the anterior pituitary gland by releasing factors and release-inhibiting factors; these are blood-borne substances released by hypothalamic neurons into blood vessels at the base of the brain, at themedian eminence. These vessels, the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal vessels, carry the hypothalamic factors to the adenohypophysis, where they bind to specific receptors on the surface of the hormone-producing cells.

Body hormones may be "hiper or hipo" ( too much or too small ). Whichever of the two, there are always sickness. So the balancing of the secretions of these hormones is what we call " Homoestatic balance " , which is optum for good health. For example, The Growth Hormone ( SOMATOSTATIN ( GHIH ) - EXCESS LEADS TO DWARFISIM ( extra short in height ) And SOMATOTROPIN  ( GH ) - EXCESS LEADS TO GIANTISIM ( extra tall in height ). So the equilibro of the actions of these hormones are controlled by the TRH ( Tissue Releasing Hormone ), from the Hypothalamus , which simulates the release of a questioned hormone ( when needed ), from the Pituitary gland.And the pituitary gland in turn activates the release of such hormone to the cell gland target.

  This is a short sumary of " how it works".

And Acupunture  NEEDLES, helps externally, in estimulating the Neurosecreting cells to action.




Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Indulge me for a moment.

Put aside what you “know” about human aging. Imagine I have a magic wand. And when I wave it in front of you your body is instantly transformed. Your face looks young again. Your muscles are firm. The wrinkles and sags you’ve grown used are gone. Instead you have a firm young body.

And it’s not just skin deep. Your heart and lungs are young too. You joints are lithe. Your muscles are strong. And your immune system is firing on twelve cylinders.

Imagine how great you would feel. Imagine the strength, the flexibility and the endless energy. And that’s to say nothing of the acuteness of your hearing and your “prowess” in the bedroom. Oh, how youth is wasted on the young!

Let’s get back to reality. I don’t have a magic wand. But I do have the next very best thing.

You Can Actually Fight Aging!

While science fiction writers have been churning out books about turning back the clock of time, medical science has been diligently working away. Researchers in biochemistry have been studying why and how aging takes place. And they have been making amazing discoveries.

Listen, for example, to this amazing statement by Dr. Ronald Klatz, president of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine:

"The reality for 76 million Baby Boomers will be an average life span in excess of 100 years, with unexpectedly good health -- so much so, in fact, that you will scarcely be able to tell a fit and active 65-year old from a healthy and athletic 105-year-old."

Dr. Klatz is no wild-eyed theoretician. He is one of the foremost professionals in the field of longevity and anti-aging medicine. And The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine is no splinter group. It comprises more than 1,100 researchers, physicians, and scientists from over 30 countries around the world.

New research is published almost every week. And health professionals like Dr. Klatz are transforming that research into reality.

Let me share with you just one of the many studies I’m talking about.

In this study, which was conducted by the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute in collaboration with the Medical college of Wisconsin, 202 people participated aged 39 to 74. They took the treatments on the subject I will be introducing you to today.

The result? They achieved an average
increase in muscle strength of 88%! (1)

And get this: This amazing improvement was achieved in a matter of weeks, not years.

Without this treatment you could spend years lifting heavy weights and risking injury without getting half this kind of result.

The results were remarkable. Imagine what a somewhat longer period of treatment could have produced. This is the kind of strength increase that would allow a sedentary person to carry a heavy object up a flight of stairs without experiencing muscle fatigue

But this isn’t just about muscle strength. I’m talking about the whole package. With the treatment I’m talking about you could easily:

  • Melt away your belly and thigh fat and regain a lean appearance
  • Put elasticity back into your skin so that the wrinkles disappear and the skin surface glows
  • Grow healthier, glistening hair and nails
  • Feel energy coursing through your muscles and veins
  • Improve your memory
  • Have more sexual energy and stamina
  • Develop a stronger immune system
  • Lower your cholesterol levels
  • Build strong and healthy bones
  • Feel the optimism of youth every morning

An Age Reversal Secret that Works
for Both Men and Women!

This is not a speculation about the future. Clinical trials are already underway. Thousands upon thousands of people have been experiencing the amazing benefits of these kinds of treatments. In fact, there are so many examples or ordinary people benefiting from this that I couldn’t possibly list them all here.

But let me tell you the story of Dr. John Baron. At the age 82 he began the program to recapture his youth.

Listen to his own words:

“I’m surprised myself. I’d say my libido and
sexual function is as good as it was
when I was 25.”

Then, there’s Janice Thompson, a 57-year-old lady who was suffering from severe back pain. So much so, that she said she couldn’t even go about her daily activities.

She followed the same treatment. After only a very brief period of times he reported a “significant” reduction in pain. It was such an improvement that she was able to quickly and easily do all her daily activities without any discomfort.

So what is this amazing treatment?

First, let me tell you what it isn’t. It’s not:

  • Taking steroids or other medicines with dangerous side effects
  • Engaging in any kind of exercise program
  • Using any creams or sprays
  • Engaging in any meditation or other spiritual activities

Jump Starting Your Own
Body’s Youth Hormones

Unless you've had your head buried in the sand, you've probably heard of Human Growth Hormone or HGH.

HGH is a protein of about 190 amino acids. It is synthesized and secreted in the pituitary gland by cells called somatotrophs. HGH is entirely natural and entirely necessary for healthy functions. It is a major participant in control of several complex physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism. (2)

HGH has an anabolic effect on the body. That means it builds up muscles and tissues. Below are just of the important roles that HGH plays in your body.

  • Increases calcium retention, and strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone
  • Increases muscle mass through sarcomere hyperplasia
  • Promotes lipolysis
  • Increases protein synthesis
  • Stimulates the growth of all internal organs excluding the brain
  • Plays a role in homeostasis
  • Reduces liver uptake of glucose
  • Promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver
  • Contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets Stimulates the immune system

In addition, HGH reduces excess body fat (especially abdominal fat), increases muscle mass, reduces wrinkling of the skin, increases skin elasticity, reverses cognitive decline, stimulates the production of the bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells and slows the progression of cardiovascular disease.

In other words HGH is a miracle hormone when it comes to delaying or even reversing all the major aspects of aging. It works on the inside and the outside, on your skin and on your muscles and internal organs. And, as an added plus, it also boosts sexual performance in men. (4)

In 1990, considerable excitement was generated from a report by Rudman and colleagues which described wonderful effects of HGH treatment in a small group of elderly men. These volunteers, who ranged in age from 61 to 81 years, showed increased lean body and bone mass, decreased fat mass and, perhaps most dramatically, restoration of skin thickness to that typical of a 50-year-old.

At a first glance, perhaps this sounds like an easy problem to remedy.

All you have to do is get some HGH supplements, right? After all, they are available. You can have HGH directly injected into your body.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple. First of all, direct HGH injections are incredibly expensive. In fact, you can expect prescription HGH therapy to cost about $1000 a treatment.

Unfortunately, the cost is actually not the biggest problem. Direct HGH supplementation comes with a high risk of serious side effects, including:

  • Premature death (in case of acromegaly)
  • Heart enlargement (due to prolonged use of HGH. Can't be reversed)
  • Low blood sugar with risk of going into a diabetic coma
  • Excessive hair growth all over the body
  • Excessive water retention
  • Liver damage
  • Thyroid damage

As you can see these are some pretty scary possibilities.

Fortunately, there is now a solution. And it comes from Mother Nature, who always seems to give us a safer way to do what drugs do without side effects.

How to Stimulate Your Body to Manufacture
More HGH on it's own

According to FutureScience.com:

At the age of 30, people have spent most of their lives with fairly high levels of human growth hormone (HGH).  HGH is responsible for growth during childhood -- and for the repair and regeneration of human tissue throughout our lives.  By the time we reach the age of 30, our HGH levels are only about 20 percent of their peak levels during childhood, and after the age of 30, they continue to decline at about 12 to 15 percent per decade, and often much more.  By the time most of us are 30 years old, our bodies no longer produce enough HGH to repair all of the damage that is occurring in our bodies.  As our HGH levels continue to decline, the damage that we call aging continues to accelerate.

I'd like to introduce to you a product that is a combination of some of the most potent all natural nutrients to help kick start your own body's HGH production.


HGH Activator has been carefully tested and developed to be help your body increase it's own HGH production. Just look at what HGH Activator has in it's arsenal to help your body rejuvenate and recapture it's youth.


Glutamine is an essential amino acid, a major building block of the muscles and the body. It is considered to be the most abundant free amino acid, and it is technically considered to be a semi-essential amino acid.

Glutamine works to prevent muscle loss and muscle wasting rebuilding muscles and repairing muscles after injuries and tough workouts while preventing the muscle waste associated with prolonged bed rest or inactivity due to sports related injuries. (5)

In a 1995 study by Thomas C. Welbourne of Louisiana State University College of medicine in Shreveport. Welbourne showed that a surprisingly small oral dose of about 2 grams of glutamine raised growth hormone levels more than four times over that of a placebo. Even more exciting, age did not diminish the response at least in this small study of volunteers, who ranged from thirty-two to sixty-four years. (6)


L-arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. It is considered essential because the body cannot create it on its own, and must get it through supplementation or food.

Most scientists believe that L-arginine promotes HGH release by inhibiting somatostatin, and this has been demonstrated in at least one scientific study. (7)

There is a large body of scientific study on the effects of L-arginine on growth hormone release. In fact, the administration of a large dose of L-arginine is the standard test for the ability of the pituitary to release growth hormone.


L-Lysine is an amino acid, one that is essential to the process of the human body. However, unlike many other amino acids, L-Lysine cannot be produced naturally within the body of humans so it must be ingested through other means. Once ingested, L-Lysine performs more than just a few essential functions for the human body.

The combination of Arginine with L-lysine is one of the first natural HGH releasers proven by scientific research to work. A study on HGH release using Lysine and Arginine was conducted in 1981 by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M.D., and his associates at the University of Rome. It was found in the study that the combination of lysine and Arginine Pyroglutamate, in 15 male volunteers, was 10 times more effective than taking Arginine Pyroglutamate alone. (8)

Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate:

Ornithine Alphaketoglutarate: Or OKG, is formed from the amino acids ornithine and glutamine. OKG is believed to enhance the bodys release of muscle-building hormones, such as growth hormone and insulin, and increases arginine and glutamine levels in muscle. OKG also encourages synthesis of polyamine and helps prevent the breakdown of muscle while increasing muscle growth. Studies in the medical field have shown that ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate preserve muscle protein synthesis and spares nitrogen. (9)


L-glycine, also simply called glycine, is an amino acid your body uses to create proteins and transmit neurochemical signals through your brain.

Glycine aids in the manufacture of other amino acids and is a part of the structure of hemoglobin and cytochromes (enzymes involved in energy production).

Two studies found that this amino acid increased HGH in the serum. In one, 6.75 grams at bedtime caused an three-fold increase, while a Japanese research team showed that 30 grams raised HGH levels ten times over baseline in patients who had gastric surgery. An oral dose of 250 milligrams in normal volunteers also showed a significant, but less pronounced, rise in HGH.

They conclude that "the facts demonstrated that glycine is one of the stimulatory agents inducing the pituitary gland to secrete HGH." (10)

And to round out our formula to make sure it's fully loaded with all of the tools your needs to help you regain your youth HGH Activator also includes:

Orinthine l- orinthine hci

L-Ornithine is a potent amino acid for stimulating the production and release of Human Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland. It's similar to and can be changed to L-arginine in the body.

Ornithine successfully raised growth hormone in a clinical study. Researchers found that twenty-five percent of the subjects experienced significant increases in serum growth hormone levels at the two lower doses, while half the subjects showed an increase in growth hormone at the highest dose. Growth hormone rose, in some cases, up to four times the baseline level. (11)

Colostrum 30% LgG:

Colostrum is the pre-milk liquid produced by the mammary gland during the first 24-48 hours after birth. Colostrum strengthens the body's immune system. According to research conducted by the Government Center for Disease, doctors report that Colostrum users benefit by enhanced well being, energy, and stamina, as well as a lower incidence of sickness, flu, sinus, and ear infections.

HGH Activator is Very Expensive to Produce

As I'm sure you can imagine, putting all these rare and powerful natural ingredients together is an expensive process. And that's why HGH Activator is not cheap.

But because we have refined our production methods we've reduced the costs considerably. Compared to the thousand dollars or more of a dose of synthetic HGH supplementation, it's a downright bargain!

We first priced HGH Activator at $150 a month. That made it 8 times cheaper than the manufactured stuff. But since we want to make this available to as many people as possible we've cut our costs to the bone. You will be able to get the optimum monthly treatment of HGH Activator for just a fraction of that.

I'll give you the full details, but first I want to give you one more piece of good news.

You Can Try HGH Activator With No Risk!

Here's the deal. I'm so confident that you are going to be thrilled with the results of this incredible natural supplement that is going to help you restore your youth to a degree you never would've dared to even dream, that I'm going to give you a no risk "test drive."

I'm going to give you up to a full 30 days to give HGH Activator a try. If for any reason, you aren't absolutely thrilled with the results, you can send me your unused portion or even the empty bottle, and I'll give you a 100% refund.

How can I make such a generous guarantee? It's quite simple. HGH Activator is an exceptional product. I know you're not going to want to return it. In fact, I believe that you'll be scrambling to place your next order to make sure you never run out.

Okay, so now that you have no reason in the world why you wouldn't want to try HGH Activator, let's get back to the price.

As I explained, this isn't some garden variety vitamin you can go pick up at the supermarket.

It's a highly potent mixture of very expensive all natural top grade nutrients and it's not cheap to make.

However, I did promise to offer you the opportunity to enjoy the youth restoration benefits of this amazing product at a price that is affordable. So, if you can help me clear out some space in my office this is what I'm going to do…

Only $39!

Yes, you've read correctly. I am offering you the chance to take advantage of the incredible youth restoration benefits of HGH Activator for only $39 for a 30 day supply.

But, please understand that I cannot guarantee how long I will be able to maintain this introductory price because we both know that it's real price should be at least double if not triple this bargain offer.

And, you might think I'm crazy, but I really need to get rid of these stacks of bottles in my office, so if you're the kind of person that enjoys getting a discount for buying n quantity, then I'll even cut you a better deal if you pick up a three or six month supply.

Like I said in the beginning, perhaps there is no magic wand to make you 25 again, but the science is there that shows that getting your body to increase it's own HGH production is the next best thing.

So, if you want to look and feel young again, then I strongly suggest you place your order right now before the price goes up to it's real value.


Larry Berman
President of Naturecast Products

____Yes, Larry, I want to feel and look young again. I want to improve my lean muscle mass, get rid of unwanted fat, regain skin that is soft and less wrinkled. In short I want back my youth. I understand that I will have no risk because there is a 100% money back guarantee if I am not thrilled with HGH Activator.

(1) http://www.hgh.org/Benefits/HGH-Increases-Muscle-Mass.html

(2) www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/hypopit/gh.html

(3) www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/hypopit/ghaging.html

(4) http://www.hgh-research.org/elderly.htm

(5) http://www.cell-biology.org/l-glutamine-benefits/

(6) http://antiagingguide.com/hgh_quality_ingredients.htm

(7) http://www.futurescience.com/hgh.html

(8) http://www.naturalhghreleasers.com/lysine-arginine.html

(9) http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/okg.html

(10) http://antiagingguide.com/hgh_quality_ingredients.htm

(11) http://www.vrp.com/amino-acids/growth-hormone-amino-acids-as-gh-secretagogues-a-review-of-the-literature

All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.

Naturecast Products, 934 N. University Dr. #291, Coral Springs, FL 33071
E-mail: naturecastservice@gmail.com
Phone: 954-415-5399

©2005-2011 Naturecast Products. All Right Reserved.


 In most cases involving either pain or other acute symptoms, one would usually commence by treating the Biao (symptoms), and then , after alleviating the acute symptoms, proceeding to treat the Ben (underlying causes of disharmony).

Acupuncture Microsystem Laminated Poster 


Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of the auricle part of the external ear for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in other parts of the body. The stimulation can be done with acupuncture needles, often referred to as ear acupuncture. The stimulation can also be done by manual pressure, referred to as auricular acupressure (ear reflexology). These points on the ear can also be stimulated with lasers, magnets, microcurrent, and ear pellets. This auricular acupuncture chart is a favorite among acupuncture student


The mostrations  indicated above are the Acupunture points . This is something  like waking-up of nerves, muscles, cells and tissues to work.


Yin Yang 2.gif (27718 bytes)

The meridians of acupuncture


Under this page I have assembled maps of all the meridians of Chinese acupuncture. These include the 12 main meridians plus their inner pathways and the 8 extra meridians. Maps showing body areas such as head or legs are also included in order to focus directly on an anatomical region rather than on a whole meridian.

You may also link to my free web-based acupoints database where you can look up a specific point and its clinical applications or a specific symptom or disease. In this database, you can also find many useful point combinations for the treatment of various ailments.

Please use the hyperlinks below to navigate.


Read more about the meridians of energy, and learn how to use them and the acu-points for your own health, in the book: Chopsticks Acupuncture, by Dr. Shmuel Halevi. Click the book's image to learn more.


link1.gif (8900 bytes) Link to Dr. Halevi's homepage.


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 What is Reflexology ?

Reflexology, also called zone therapy, is based on the notion that each body part is represented on the hands and feet and that pressing on specific areas on the hands or feet can have therapeutic effects in other parts of the body. Most proponents claim:

  • The body is divided into 10 longitudinal zones—five on each side of the body.
  • Each organ or part of the body is represented on the hands and feet;
  • The practitioner can diagnose abnormalities by feeling the hands or feet
  • Massaging or pressing each area can stimulate the flow of energy, blood, nutrients, and nerve impulses to the corresponding body zone and thereby relieve ailments in that zone.

The pathways postulated by reflexologists have not been anatomically demonstrated; and it is safe to assume that they do not exist. Similar rationales are used employed by iridologists (who imagine that eye markings represent disease throughout the body) and auricular acupuncturists who "map" body organs on the ear (a homunculus in the fetal position). The methodology is similar in both of these; and some commentators consider pressing on "acupuncture points" on the ear or elsewhere to be forms of reflexology, but most people refer to that as acupressure ("acupuncture without needles). The Reflexology Research Web site displays charts for foot and hand reflexology. 

Many proponents claim that foot reflexology can cleanse the body of toxins, increase circulation, assist in weight loss, and improve the health of organs throughout the body. Others have reported success in treating earaches, anemia, bedwetting, bronchitis, convulsions in an infant, hemorrhoids, hiccups, deafness, hair loss, emphysema, prostate trouble, heart disease, overactive thyroid gland, kidney stones, liver trouble, rectal prolapse, undescended testicles, intestinal paralysis, cataracts, and hydrocephalus (a condition in which an excess of fluid surrounding the brain can cause pressure that damages the brain). Some claim to "balance energy and enhance healing elsewhere in the body." [2] One practitioner has even claimed to have lengthened a leg that was an inch shorter than the other. There is no scientific support for these assertions.

Nothwithstanding, the term Reflexology is another method of stimuation.It could betraeted as a form of Physical Massage , but without locions, cream, oils or any sort or  lubrications.

 Acupunture means ;   ACU  which signifies Points, needles.

                                   Punture,signifies Prick ( Prick in relation to Acutunture )

Acupunture is needle pricking / Point pricking "on" the body for the purpose of Hormonal and Enzymatic activation through Physical stimulations of the parts.


This is anothr form of  activation of the physical body to action. Some call it Holistic therapy, while others call it Spiritualism.

This has to do with the full concentration of ALMA in the object concerned.The physical contact between the therapist and the patient to be healed. "The power of Touch ". Some scholars believe that it was this Power of Touch that Jesus christ used in healing the sick and resorating the Dead during his Human stay on Earth.The method is Energy consuming, rom the part of the Therapista.

However, this study is not within the scope of this discussion.



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